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24/01/2024 7:24 am
Who/What is/are referred to in the verses under consideration?
زیرِ غور آیات میں کس (کن) کے بارے میں بات ہوئی ہے؟
31/07/2024 8:09 am
Referred to Bani Israel, directly to the believers from Bani Israel and indirectly to the disbelievers among them.
Who are the Muttaqeen?
- Here, referring to those among Bani Israel who are pious and righteous.
Why are these specific traits mentioned?
- It could be that Bani Israel had taken out some sort of excuses in these important religious activities, such as:
- Not using logic but insisting on seeing God or something similar.
- Making changes to the ritual of prayer.
- Making exceptions in paying Zakat.
- Not wanting to believe the new revelation out of arrogance.
So, the verse is saying that until all these traits are corrected, they won't be truly guided.
Also, I thought it was interesting that the word used is "Huda min rabbihim," and not "Hudalilla." In the Old Testament, you often see "God-Yahweh" mostly translated as "Lord God of Israel."